Tahmeed Shafiq
Tahmeed Shafiq is a writer and journalist interested in stories that are both complicated and deeply human. He reports on community resilience for Future of Good, and his work has appeared in The Globe and Mail and TVO. He is an undergraduate at the University of Toronto. Follow him on Twitter @tryingtotype.
3 stories
Landlord and Tenant Board Wait Times Continue to Grow
Wait times for tenant cases have risen by four months since last count, as a new report from the Ontario Ombudsman declares the LTB to be “fundamentally failing in its role.”
At the Landlord and Tenant Board, Tenants Wait Twice as Long as Their Landlords
Applications by tenants take up to seven months longer than those by landlords. Behind this disparity is a skewed system of Zoom hearings and inexperienced adjudicators that can’t keep up with a mile-high case backlog.
Trapped in the Ivory Basement
In Toronto's booming public community colleges, part-time educators get none of the privileges of cushy academic jobs. Instead, they are overworked, underpaid, and even pushed out of their union.