Christopher Katsarov Luna
Christopher Katsarov Luna is an independent photojournalist based in Toronto, Canada.
4 stories
Richard Trapunski
with photography by
Christopher Katsarov Luna
“Canada’s Worst Obstacle Course”
Metrolinx has promised Toronto a more interconnected tomorrow. As it rips up some of the city’s busiest streets, is it paying enough attention to the safety and wellbeing of Torontonians today?
Steph Wong Ken
with photography by
Christopher Katsarov Luna
The Line Between ‘Invasive’ and ‘Native’ Blurs
Not all invasive plant species are damaging to Toronto’s ecosystems. Treating them like they are could do more harm than good.
H.G. Watson
with photography by
Christopher Katsarov Luna
Carving Out a Brand New Island
With Villier’s Island, the city aims to combat climate change, create a new mouth to the Don River, and add needed housing. But constructing a climate positive neighbourhood from scratch is no small task.
Inori Roy
with photography by
Christopher Katsarov Luna
As Toronto Temperatures Rise, Inequalities Widen
Climate change causes heat waves, but the city’s politics, policies, and design determine who suffers most.