Stories about Editor's Letter
What do Changes to Immigration Mean In a City of Immigrants?
The last year has seen sharp changes in attitudes and policies around immigration across Canada. Nowhere are those changes felt more than in Toronto.
Failing Our Students
Toronto’s public education system has been underfunded for decades. Kids are paying the price.
Toronto’s Green-ish Economy
If we want to write about the environment, we need to write about business.
The Value of Art and the Cost of Losing it
Toronto’s cultural institutions are reeling and its artists are struggling. What’s lost when a city no longer supports the arts?
How the City Is Failing Aging Torontonians
Toronto’s demographic shift was expected and predictable. But from housing to health care, it often feels like the city has been caught by surprise.
Welcome to Finch West
The LRT doesn’t open until next year at the earliest, but it’s already transforming Toronto’s northwest.
How We Misunderstand the Housing Crisis
The “housing crisis” isn’t a crisis for everyone—for some it’s a windfall. That fact infuses every aspect of our response to it.
We’re in a Climate Emergency—It’s Time We Started Acting Like It
There is still time to mitigate the harms of climate change and build resilient communities in this city. But we need to start now.
The First Wave of a New Era
Everyone got COVID while making this issue. Welcome to the “living with it” era of the pandemic.
The Way We Work
How decent jobs became precarious labour, and what we can do about it.
Reclaiming the Story of Toronto
Introducing the Indigenous Toronto Issue.
A Year in Toronto
In a year of “unprecedented times,” the world didn’t split apart in ways that were terrifying and new. It cracked along familiar seams, over and over again.
Last Week, In Review
As the first tentative positive signs emerged, it was tempting to look beyond the week—to try to trace the curve past where it flattens to the point it sinks beneath the horizon. It's too early for that.
Welcome to Lawrence Heights
The future of Toronto as an equitable, liveable city begins in inner suburbs like this.
Health, Incarcerated
How the prison system became a ramshackle, underfunded wing of the health care system.