About the Ward

With a population of 110,080, Don Valley North includes the neighbourhoods of Bayview Village, Bayview Woods-Steeles, Hillcrest Village, Don Valley Village, and Pleasant View. 70 percent of residents identify as a visible minorities, 63 percent are landed immigrants, and the average household income is lower than the city-wide average, at $87,491. Incumbent Shelley Carroll has served on city council since 2003.

Where the Candidates Stand

There are five candidates running against Shelley Carroll, though none of them are particularly high-profile (see our fact-checked biographies in the section below). The one with the most public information available is Daryl Christoff, who previously ran for councillor in Ward 20 in 2014 and mayor in 2018.

The matrix below provides a head-to-head comparison of where council candidates stand. The Local combed through city council records to review all the decisions made over the last four years and identified a dozen votes that are the most telling on key issues: homelessness, transportation, housing, policing, taxes, and the environment. We then sent the challengers a survey asking them how they would have voted on those same 12 motions, and compared the results to Carroll’s votes.

Only one candidate responded to The Local’s survey: Christoff.

Here Are the Takeaways

  • Christoff declined to answer most of the questions, only indicating his support for a judicial inquest into encampment clearings, stormwater charge, and hiking the industrial waste surcharge.
  • Carroll, the incumbent, voted in opposition to Tory on most issues. However, she voted with the mayor against raising property taxes two percent and cutting the police budget to fund rent supplements.

Information in Candidate Tracker was compiled and written by The Local’s team of journalists and fact checkers. City council candidates were emailed a questionnaire asking for information about their history, experience, and plans. They were also surveyed about their stances on twelve key votes that took place in the 2018-22 council term. Not all candidates were reachable or responded. The Local also conducted its own research to independently source and verify information about each city council and school trustee candidate. If you’re a candidate whose information is not here, please email us at elections@thelocal.to. Last updated: October 22, 2022.

Contributors: Inori Roy, Ann Marie Elpa, Nikky Manfredi, Danielle Orr, H.G. Watson, Emma Buchanan, Dhriti Gupta, Zeahaa Rehman, Neville Park, Nicholas Hune-Brown, Tai Huynh, Craig Madho, Steve Combes, and Lia Mattacchione.